Gabrielle is currently a 2nd year Marine Science and Conservation PhD student at Duke University in the Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab. Her doctoral research in ocean science focuses on high seas fisheries, corporate powers, and ocean governance. Her work aims to examine high seas fisheries using Global Fishing Watch data to calculate fishing effort for corporate actors. The goal of this work is to ensure protection of the “common heritage of mankind” through accountability of non-state actors and international governing bodies such as RFMOs.
Before joining the lab in the Fall of 2019, she graduated in 2018 with a BA in Environmental Studies and minor in Biology from New York University. She worked at the Ocean Collectiv and Urban Ocean Lab as a research associate. She also conducted fieldwork for fish ecology studies of the Hudson Estuary and environmental educator to grades K-10 at the River Project and Sarah Lawrence College CURB.
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Research Drive
Duke University
Durham NC 27708